I Am Back! Thank You!
Hello friends,
I had a blessed time in Georgia sharing God’s love with our brothers and sisters in Christ and having fellowship with others. The mission trip was not without a storm. My worst nightmare happened.
After my arrival at the Atlanta airport, I was transferred from an aisle chair to my electric wheelchair. To position myself, as usual, I reclined my wheelchair and tried to come up, but it would not come up all the way. Dad reset the wheelchair; however, nothing happened. The guys who mobilized my wheelchair to the aircraft pushed and pulled it so hard that the back of the chair was not working appropriately. My body was seated on the chair at a 120-degree angle, as if I were lying on the wheelchair. I drove the wheelchair in that awkward position to Southwest customer service, and its representatives connected me to the repair company. It was around 5:00pm, and the problem was that the repair could be done either that night or the next day without guarantee. My family decided to go to the hotel and to wait for the guy, and fortunately my chair was broken just enough to enter the rented van.
The repair guy came to the hotel lobby at 10:30 pm and fixed the problem without having to take the chair to the shop for repair and drop it off the next day. Thanks to God and the repair guy! I asked him, “What moved you to come to the hotel so late?” He answered, “You needed my help.”
The rest of the trip was simply gracious after experiencing the panic attack. I had a blessed time worshiping our triune God with other believers and shared God’s sovereign love at three churches. The trial led me to trust God deeply and helped mature my faith in him. Surely, God infused me with calmness and confidence to handle the problem and connected me to the right people at the right time. Also, I met new friends with disabilities who trust God regardless of their circumstances. God’s providence!
Thank you for your prayer and support, for I cannot travel and preach his words without your prayer and ministry partnership. I am grateful for my friend Rich for giving my family a ride to the Denver airport, for Euison who picked us up from the Atlanta airport and drove us to the hotel during the traffic hours, for Jenny, Andrus, and Junia for their warm hospitality, for Alex my neighbor who picked us up from the Denver airport, for Sung Wook who connected me to Bethany Presbyterian Church and Steve Stirling, and for Atlanta Bethel Church, Bethany Presbyterian Church, and Korean Community Presbyterian Church of Atlanta.
Here is the link to my sermon preached at Atlanta Bethel Church in Korean. One in English is not uploaded on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z695hA2dLuU&ab_channel=%EC%95%84%ED%8B%80%EB%9E%80%ED%83%80%EB%B2%A7%EC%97%98%EA%B5%90%ED%9A%8C-AtlantaBethelChurch
I forgot to take many pictures to keep the records of God’s works, but here are few of them.
May God bless you!