Last month, as one church of Jesus Christ, we gathered together in one name and one spirit and prayed for Iran and her spiritual and social liberations from the bondage of sin and cycle of suffering. Pastor Tat shared with us about the crises that are occurring in the country and the amazing things that God is still doing through numerous Iranian people regardless of the hardships and oppositions. God commands us to call out to him, and we simply obeyed him as one community.
For our next prayer meeting on 2/28, we will cry out for God’s mercy for those individuals who are struggling with poverty. The Scripture teaches us that God does care about the poor: “You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat” (Isa. 25:4). Unfortunately, so many people around the world are suffering because of poverty. According to Compassion, “Almost 1 billion people living below the World Bank poverty line of $1.90 per day. Nearly 4 billion people live with a household income below $2.50 a day… Sexual abuse is a hidden pandemic that affects millions of children in every country.”
Rev. Tony Hyun will share with us about the suffering of poverty, God’s special message for the poor, and Compassion ministry. Tony and his wife have been supporters of the international Christian ministry, Compassion. He has volunteered as a special event facilitator at Compassion, and her wife works there as a senior associate of sponsor and donors. It will be a humble time to remind ourselves of the impact of poverty around the world and the desperate callings of our LORD. David declares: “With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng of worshipers I will praise him. For he stands at the right hand of the needy, to save their lives from those who would condemn them” (Ps. 109:30-31). Let’s stand on the side of our LORD by praying for our fellow human beings suffering with poverty.