Last month, we had an amazing prayer time, praising the name of Yahweh and crying out to God for his compassion. We usually meet on the third Thursday of each month, but in April, we will be meeting at CHCC, at 7:00 on 4/26, not on 4/19. On 4/26, we will beseech God to have mercy on Mexico, restore the order of the government, comfort the broken hearts of numerous Mexicans, and raise up his people to lead their churches and communities to seek God and fight injustice. Scripture says, “…every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phi. 2:10-11). This is exactly what we do in our meetings. We raise our voices and pray in English, Korean, Spanish, and tongue, confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior who is the greatest of all. Send me your prayer requests, and we will pray with you.